Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The high speed train (185 mph according to my GPS) only took about an hour from Brussels to Paris. Although adding in the bus ride to the Leuven train station, 30 min train ride from Leuven to Brussels, and the Paris metro to our hotel, the trip out totaled around 3~4 hrs.

Our first stop was the Eiffel tower. The boys were impressed but weren't too excited about posing for a picture after the long morning trip.

The boys were even more impressed by the run down self propelled go carts located in the Parc du Champ de Mars adjacent to the tower.

The next day we hopped the Metro to Notre Dame.

Some Gargoyles at Notre Dame

From Notre Dame we made our way to Luxembourg Garden for a pony ride and a very cool playground for the kids.

Here's Jesse sampling some fine french cuisine.

After dinner we caught an evening boat tour down the Seine and got some ice cream YEAH!

The tower is lit every night but every half hour they put on a special light show.

After promising the boys for the first three days we finally made it up to the top of the Eiffel tower on the last morning.

We made it to the top!

Great view

We're now back in Leuven. It feels like a home after returning from the bustle of Paris. Next weekend we storm the Normandy beaches.

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