Sunday, August 23, 2009

Great new park and new friends

We found an awesome kids' park just about 10 minutes up the road from us. It has a large kids' pool, various boat and go cart rides for kids, and the best playground slides and climbing forts I've ever seen. It's a short bus ride from us so I think it will be our new favorite place to entertain the kids.

Pool with a water slide (the pool was packed with people)

Jack at the bottom of the really tall slide

At the park we met a woman from New Zealand that was also new to the area and had three boys (3, 5, and 8). From my previous travels I knew that if you want any sort of social life in a new city you have to make an effort to met new people so I invited them over to our place for dinner.

So on Saturday we had Jo and Marcus and their three boys (sorry I can't recall all the names) over for dinner. We had a great time talking with some other adults for a change and comparing notes about being here with young children. The boys got pretty rowdy by the end of the night (not surprising with 5 boys) but we all had fun.

The boys enjoying an ice cream after dinner (Jack was on a time out by this time for getting a little to rough )


  1. Hey now, you're really having a lot of fun! Looks like you've been really busy! Great Blog!
    Dave & Donna / Pasadena USA baby!

  2. Hiya,

    I moved to Leuven with my husband and, although we don't have kids, we'd like to have a go at that slide. Problem is, I cannot figure out where this place is.

    Would you be so kind as to email me the name of the park?

    Thank you!
