Thursday, August 6, 2009

Flying Out

Flew out of Dulles at 6pm on Sunday night the 2nd of August. Kathy and I are both glad to be done with all the packing and preparing. I've been off work for a week but feel like I've been working harder than ever - moving stuff, cleaning etc... Anyway we're finally on our way.

I estimate we have about 400 lbs of bags. We are allotted 2 bags each up to 50lbs. We weighed all the bags before we left and they all came in at 45~48lbs. Add in our carry on bags and we're pushing 400lbs.

We left at 6pm and arrived at 1am our time (7am Belgium time). The boys did really well considering they only slept about 3 hours each and they had to walk through the airport in Brussels in the middle of the night our time. It helps that they have flown to California twice a year since they were born.

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