Friday, March 18, 2011

Fall of 2010

I know I haven't posted for several months. I was working on a photo album before Christmas and never got back to the blog. Here's a quick look at what we did last fall.

After the summer trip we got a new group of students and headed back to France again.


New Students for 2010-2011

Boys dressed up for dinner out in Paris

Some Art at the Pompidou

Visit to the Paris Zoo (who is watching who)

Dodging waves at St Malo
Braving the quick sand at Mont Saint Micheal
Playing Army at Pointe du Hoc

My camera has a time lapse feature so I tried to capture the tides at Arromanches. Most of the tide shift happens at night, but you can still see the change from high tide at night to low tide the next morning.

Trip to California for Johns Wedding

Jesse in the cockpit
Playing with the cousins in Tahoe
Beautiful fall colors in Tahoe
John and the guys
Just as we returned we found them shooting a documentary in the Begijnhof

Rhine Valley

The boys had a few days off in the Fall so we made the drive to the Rhine valley to check out the castles and vineyards.

Notice the terraced vineyards on the hill

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