We had several visitors in July. Kathy's mom Marilyn (aka Nana) was the first. She had the chance to go bike riding with all of us. Jack had just learned to ride by himself a few weeks before that.
Jack's third bike ride.

Our ride in the countryside.
We also made a day trip over to the Natural History Museum in Brussels
And we drove to a large playground and outdoor museum near Genk.
The playground equipment here in Belgium can be pretty impressive.
The outdoor museum had several examples of crafts. The boys got to try their hand at pottery.
Windmill at the outdoor museum
The next to arrive was two friends of ours from Baltimore, Tony and Colleen. We had a good time showing them around the area, including a nice bike ride through the local woods.
Tony Kathy and Colleen in front of our house.
Our next visitors were Kathy's sister Theresa (aka TT) and her family, Mark, Maddie, and Joey. The weekend they arrived happened to coincide with the big reenactment at Waterloo so we went to check it out. Unfortunately the weather turned cold and rainy that day so it wasn't quite as fun as it would have been. The mock battles and uniforms were still pretty impressive though.

A scene from the battle
We had seats on the mound (butte) which had a decent view of the battle but was a 45 degree slope of slippery wet grass. You really had to dig in your feet to keep from sliding down the hill. As you can see Madeline in particular was having a great time.
A couple days later Mark left for a conference in London and Nana, TT, Madeline and Joey all left to check out Paris. When they got back from Paris Nana left for the states and TT, Wes and the kids all drove up to London to meet Mark. Kathy was stuck in Leuven making sure the Loyola students made it on their flight home.
We drove the car into a train for trip through the chunnel. This is the view as we drove into the train. It only took about 30 minutes to get across. Our first stop in England was Bodiam castle. This time we had the time to go inside and check it out.
TT and the kids in front of Bodiam castle.
At the top of the castle (Joey was missing in action for this shot)
After Bodiam we drove north and parked the car then took a short train ride to our hotel where we met Mark. We had a good location just a few minutes walk to the tower bridge. We did all the usual tourist locations:
TT and the kids in front of Tower Bridge
The boys and I rode the double-decker tour bus.
We visited the British Museum

Watched the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace
Visited the Tower of London on a really hot day - ice cream treats helped.

Rode in the London Eye. Jesse had a massive problem in his pants about a minute after this picture was taken. Probably due to the large greasy hamburger he downed at lunch. I have a vivid memory of cleaning his pants in the sink of the WC near the London Eye - having kids can be lots of fun at times.
Waiting for our boat ride home after the London Eye.
We found a dinner spot with a view to watch the tower bridge open.
Jesse had recovered enough to have some pasta.
TT and I needed a drink after our adventures with the kids.
Jesse holding up some modern art near the tower bridge
The last night after dinner we let the kids go crazy on these flat table-like fountains near our hotel. I think that was the most fun Jesse had on the whole trip.
When we got back in Leuven we took it easy for a few days then Mark met us again and we all went for weekend in Amsterdam.
The boys in front of the Iamsterdam sign. I think that's Joey's gangster look.
After Amsterdam we made a short drive from Leuven (Mark and I rode bikes) to watch the Tour de France pass through. The main entertainment was watching all the sponsor cars, helicopters, and police motorcycles zip by. The actual racers went by in just a few seconds.
The next day all of our visitors were gone and had a few days rest before we started on our big summer holiday.