Cathedral in the center of town - even though we've seen several around Europe this one was still impressive.
Jack at the famous statue of Brabo throwing the giants hand. Legend has it that Antigoon was a giant that was charging high tariffs on all river traffic. Brabo fought him and cut off his hand.
Jack and Jesse cutting loose in Antwerp
After a rainy night in Antwerp we made the short drive to the coast. Our first stop was the Atlantic sea wall museum. These were the remains of fortifications used as a shore battery in WWI and then rebuilt and reused as part of the sea wall defenses against invasion in WWII. The great thing about this site is that they've tried to recreate the scenes of soldiers and weapons used at the location.
One of the several examples of uniforms and weapons (Jesse talked about the machine guns for the rest of the day).
After exploring the defenses we drove up the coast to De Haan, a very nice seaside resort.
After exploring the defenses we drove up the coast to De Haan, a very nice seaside resort.
On the way home we stopped by Bruges. I also took the drive through the country to practice driving the stick shift. All went well till we hit the city and I stalled a couple times at street lights. By the end of the drive I had it pretty well figured out but it's still not completely natural yet.